March 5, 2023

A small but exciting journey...

Click here to download the brief pdf version of my resume!

Fatima Rabia Yapicioglu received the BSc degree in computer engineering from Ankara University Engineering Faculty including exchange studies at the University of Eastern Finland Computing School, in 2021, and currently a MSc student at the University of Padova, Italy. She earned Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation scholarship for two consecutive years, and has been awarded with 'Mille e una Lode' honor degree and best machine learning project from Galileo Galilei Physics of Data Department of UNIPD during her MSc studies. She is currently doing research in collaboration with Kings College, London on dopamine hormone brain lateralization in healthy controls and schizophrenia patients compromising XAI(Explainable Artificial Intelligence). Her past experience includes contributing to medical applications and artificial intelligence convergence at the ICT Medical Development Center of the Kuopio University Hospital, Finland. Currently, she works as an artificial intelligence specialist intern at the Baker Hughes American company which has subsidiaries GE and Bently Nevada. Her main research interests lie predominantly in the field of artificial intelligence for life sciences and health applications, explainable artificial intelligence, computer vision, time series analysis , and machine learning.


The University of Padova (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Italy, Master's(September 2021- June 2023)
I am following Machine Learning for Industrial Applications, Life and Health track, GPA: 28/30. 90/120 credits completed, only internship and thesis studies are going on. I had courses and developed projects which comprises Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Digital Signal Processing, Human Data Analytics, Human Computer Interaction, Foundations of Databases, Programming for Telecommunications and more. You can visit the department page for more information as follows UNIPD & MIME. Also to reach course contents and projects that I developed you can visit Projects tab.
GPA: 28/30. Thesis title is ‘Dopamine Lateralization on Brain differs in Healthy Controls and Schizophrenia Patients: An Explainable Artificial Intelligence Perspective’ under supervision of Mattia Veronese, Assoc. Prof Unipd.

The University of Eastern Finland (Itä-Suomen Yliopisto )

Finland, Bachelor's Exchange Experience (September 2019- June 2020)
I've spent years 2019-2020 at the University of Eastern Finland studying Computer Science in Joensuu-Kuopo campuses. The courses that I mainly focused on are Artifical Intelligence, Deep Learning, Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Software Engineering, Research Method, Industrial Project, and more. I also had internship in the course of Industrial Project in collaboration with the Kuopio University Hospital, Finland gained experience in the field of medical data analysis such as biomarkers and clinical psychological and physiological data. Researched the topic of ‘Synchronization and Analysis of Biomarkers Data Under Noise and Stress’ under supervision of Hana Vrzakova, PhD. Head of Medical ICT Development Center, Kuopio University Hospital, Finland.

Ankara University

Turkey, Bachelor's Joint Degree (September 2019- June 2020)
I spent years between 2016-2018 studying Computer Engineering bachelor's degree at Ankara University. It is known as one of the most successfull and the first university of Rebuplic of Turkey founded by Ataturk. Starting with the fundamental computer programming languages C/C++, and computer architecture the department is focused on object oriented programming languages, algorithms and artificial intelligence applications. I worked in collaboration with Ankara University Dentistry Faculty for the early detection of TMJ(Temporomandibular Joint) Disorder from MRI images by utilizing transfer learning technique of deep learning & computer vision applications. For more information please click on here AU - CE.


Baker Hughes

Italy - Florence, Artificial Intelligence Intern, January 4, 2022 - Present
Working on explainable time series forecasting, anomaly detection models(CNNs, ANNs, Autoencoders(VAE),Temporal Fusion Transformers, LSTMs, etc.), formulating & coding XAI methods (feature importance) for specific use cases and different models, and searching and analyzing the applicability of novel AI models for industrial sequential multi-modal sensor data(including time series). Taking part in tabular and sequential data preparation from raw server files, creating EDAs, and experimenting with novel techniques. I am using diverse data wrangling, modeling, XAI libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch, tsai, LIMESegment, etc.)

Baker Hughes

Italy - Vibo Valentia, Digital Manufacturing Intern, July 4, 2022 - January 4, 2023
Responsible for digitalization of inspection sheets for quality control plan for diverse production lines, creating services and developing an application for the management of workshop activities. Creation of dashboards for flow and change management, defining KPIs over business rules applying data science and machine learning to data captured from the application. Developing a digital quality records collection, evaluation and audit platform. I have been using C# Xamarin .NET for prototyping. Creating services and automated pipelines on Microsoft Power Apps, and Power Automate. Application activity data is being used to make smart decisions and assist production line activity smart recommendations, increasing traceability by visualizing the data on Oracle BI Publisher, Tableau and Power BI.

BNP Paribas

IT Project Management Assistant, March 18, 2021 - October 2021
Designed interactive dashboards on the Power Bi to visualize, defined KPIs that can be used as performance measurement and effectively keep track of the progress of IT AI and Data Management initiatives. Utilized Power Bi, Tableau, Qlik Sense, MS Excel, MS SharePoint, Jupyter Notebook and Python actively. Assisting and designing IT Data Initiatives on the way to being a data-driven company. On the other hand, I searched, analyzed applicability, consultation, and presentation of worldwide new technologies and concepts to IT teams via meetings with Gartner, product vendors, and etc. such as AIOps, Data Mesh, Data Ops.

Kuopio University Hospital, Finland(Kuopion yliopistollinen sairaala (KYS))

Finland - Kuopio, Data Science & ICT Intern, September 2019 – June 2020
Worked in the Microsurgery Department ICT Research team, implemented a detailed exploratory data analysis on the synchronization & analysis of biomarkers under noise and stress. Used multi-modal data( physical and psychological data ) data with wide machine learning, deep learning, and data visualization techniques via Python & Excel & Power BI, Anaconda tools, Python, R. Planned, organized, and evaluated the project. Additionally, improved statistical modelling skils including salient data science competences such as hypothesis testing, t-test, Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, ANOVA, and post-hoc tests like Tukey. Worked in collaboration with doctors and gained clinical industry research experience.


Shenzen, Guangdong, China - ICT Trainee
Proudly, I have been chosen by the Huawei Seeds for the Future program 2020, which aims to gather top talent engineering students of the target country and provide an information and technology education along with Huawei's approach and brand new technologies in China. Learned usage of Artificial Intelligence on telecommunications and networking, digital signal processing, developed demo applications with Python, TensorFlow and Deep Note.

TURKSAT Satellite & Communication

Data Science and Machine Learning Intern, June 2019 – August 2019
Worked on the improvement of different digital services that the government provides to citizens to provide better user experience, evaluated technological requirements, developed recommendation algorithm via machine learning facilities. Worked on sequential log data and time series analysis, and deep learning models development including recommender systems utilizing Python, TensorFlow, etc.I experienced the diverse application areas of data science in telecommunciation industry.


Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Trainee, June 2019 – August 2019
I’ve joined an educational camp along with activities designed to present hands on learning and practice in the field of defense industry and artificial intelligence engagement for the successful undergraduate students. Experienced development of demo applications with Keras, Scipy, Tensorflow, Pytorch etc.